Recycled Carton Plant Pot


Here is a simple way to reuse juice cartons that can’t normally be recycled. Younger children will need the preparation work done for them.

Recycled carton plant pot

You will need:

‘Tetrapak’ carton (long-life fruit juice, UHT Milk cartons)
White paint
Felt tip pens
Acrylic varnish (optional)


Make a hole in one of the two big sides of the carton and cut away the side. Make a few holes in the remaining big side. These will form drainage holes in the base of your pot.

Recycled garden plant pot step 1

Paint the pot with white paint and leave to dry. Decorate with felt pens. We drew on stars and moons but you could draw flowers or anything else you fancy. An optional coat of varnish will make the pot more hardwearing, particularly if you plan to use it outdoors.


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